Joining the EES research program

Faye Moyes
Monday 29 August 2016

The research program “Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test” was recently awarded with a major grant by the John Templeton Foundation. The project is lead by Prof Kevin Laland and Dr Tobias Uller and includes 22 linked research projects, across eight academic institutions: the University of St Andrews, University of Lund, Stanford University, Cambridge University, Santa Fe Institute, Indiana University, Clark University and Southampton University. Each project focuses on different aspects of the EES, ranging from evolutionary innovation, to inclusive inheritance and evolutionary diversification. One of the projects has Maria as a PI and will focus on niche construction and phenotypic plasticity in reef corals.


Viviana has joined our group as a PhD student on this project. She will specifically focus on the role of coral phenotypic plasticity.
